
Revitup Case Study Alianthos Garden Hotel

The only sustainable competitive advantage for any business is knowledge. Both in 2023 and 2024, at Revitup we have chosen to share some of this knowledge with the market, as we truly believe not only in our services, but also in the Greek hotel product - and the future.…

How AI in the Hospitality Industry Is Changing the Game?

The hospitality industry, a beacon of personalized service and human touch, stands on the cusp of a transformative era with Artificial Intelligence (AI) integration. This technological leap is altering the landscape of guest experiences and reshaping hotel employment and training dynamics.…

Unlocking Profitability with Price Discrimination

Price discrimination lies at the heart of effective revenue management, enabling hotels to maximize revenue by offering the same product or service to different customers at varying prices. This principle is particularly potent when applied to perishable resources, such as hotel rooms.…

Google My Business

Google My Business, also known as GMB, is a user-friendly platform that allows businesses to manage their business profile on Google. From a computer, tablet or smartphone, GMB can be used to communicate with hotel guests, (interact with customers) to engage customers, (update content) to update company content as well as giving the ability to manage (business appearance in Google search results) how your business appears in Google search results.…

Slowcation: The New Travel Trend

In today's fast-paced era, the concept of "slowcation" is emerging as one of the leading travel trends. This approach, which focuses on relaxation and disconnection from everyday life, is gaining ground among travellers seeking authentic and deeper experiences.…